Thursday, August 24, 2017

Smartwatch: Functionality or Fashion Tech?

Now in 2017, we have a lot of smartwatches, brands and products, that we can choose from in the  market.  2 smartwatches take the top of the list of 'to-be-owned' Apple Watch and Samsung Gear S3.  The rests are Huawei's, Motorola's, TicWatch's and more.  All are designed with fashion in mind and functionalities as tech gadget.

Historically, the first smartwatch was born in 1983 by Seiko called Data 2000, becuase it can save up to 2000 characters, with external miniturized keyboard and docking for the watch.

It began a newer function of a watch into a smarter gadget.  The follow ups with bigger data storage, easier entry, and even PC linkage.  Several brand names are synonymous with early smartwatch developments are Casio and Timex.  Until 1994, Timex Datalink was born. The first watch with a more complete functionality, including syncing data with Microsoft Schedule+ and bigger memory space.

From 1998 to 2000, Steve Mann developed the first Linux watch that can be categorized as wearable computer instead of just another watch with data functionality (picture below).  He presented this watch at IEEE ISSCC2000 on 7th February 2000.  The bulky and big watch was not popular, but it did become the father of wearable computing device, or as we know now as simply smartwatch.

Since then, the race for smartwatch began to spin faster.  A decade later, the form and shape of modern smartwatch finally took shape in Pebble, a company who raised their funding from Kickstarter program and gave birth to Pebble Watch in 2012.  The first watch that universally could connect to all smartphones available in the market, waterproof, and battery that last for several days.  No touch screen, only 4 buttons to navigate all notifications and apps within the watch.  The race for the best smartwatch now became a reality that we know today.

Today, when buying a smartwatch, we don't need to think about the form factors since all of them have fashionable designs.  We need to think about what phone we have and whether or not we can utilize the smartwatch to it's optimal capability.  We have a lot of brands to choose from: Apple, Samsung, LG, Huawei, Sony, Casio, Suntoo, Fitbit, and still lot more to count.  Even functionalities has been categorized: daily activities, sport, or health.

So what is the capability of the modern smartwatches that we need to consider before deciding which one is for us:

  1. Master connectivity - we need to consider what smartphone we have and whether or not it can run with the smartwatch.  For example Apple Watch only works with Apple iPhone and Android Wear based smartwatches can only work with Android.  Several brands came out with alternative OS and able to connect to almost every OS a smartphone has such as TicWatch (Android based, not Android Wear), the already bakrupt Pebble can connect to all smartphones including Windows Phone, etc.  
  2. Form factor - with excellent designs come matching your style.  Choose the one that you will wear with pride.
  3. Features - with all the smarter functions, comes features and limitations, such as TicWatch connects better with Android compared to Apple iOS and no Windows Phone connectivity.  There are 2 main category of features to be considered hardware and software.  Some smartwatch can run applications independently from the master phone, such as Apple Watch and Samsung Gear S3.  Here are the list of features to be considered and whether or not these smartwatches have them:
  • Battery life - mostly 1 day, but on a busy notifications day, it might not.  Several smartwatches can last more than 5 days running all the time.  Choose what you need.
  • Bluetooth version - with most smartwatches come with Bluetooth 4.0 and some with 4.2, you need to check whether your phone is capable accepting it.  
  • Connectivity apps - smartwatch works if your smartphone has the matching connectivity app, if your phone cannot run this connectivity app then your smartwatch becomes just another overpriced watch.
  • Accelerometer - this feature enable smartwatches to count your steps, if you are into sport, make sure your selected smartwatch has it.
  • GPS - although not a very common feature, but some high-end smartwatch comes with it's own GPS for tracking your daily run distance and tracks.  If you are training for a marathon or have a strict sport routine, this is a must have.
  • Heart rate sensor - despite being inaccurate in most smartwatches, this feature is important if you have fitness program to do or health problems (such as heart problems, etc).  This sensor can be used to identify your first sign of problem or not to overdue your fitness regime.
  • Memory storage - this is a 2 parts consideration: for apps to run independently to the master smartphone, for storing music and storing temporary data.  The first is clear, so it has a space for apps to be installed in the smartwatch.  The second is related to smartwatch capability to connect to thrid party bluetooth device, such as bluetooth earphones or headphones, to play music without the needs for the smartphone.  And the third, depending on how smart you smartwatch is, enables you to store some data in your smartwatch for temporary purposes, such as voice notes, reminders, etc.
  • Screen visibility - with at least 3 types of screen available, you need to choose the right one for your life style and needs.  E-Ink can be seen easily under direct sun light and very light on battery use making the smartwatch last days without charging.  TFT has the richest color and quite bright, but under direct sun light, it becomes invisible and useless.  AMOLED has the brightest screen but for in door use, it is like a torch shining bright, sometimes too bright.  If you work indoor, you might not need AMOLED screen; if you work outdoor, E-Ink smartwatch is preferable.  Each comes with limitations and advatages, you can choose accordingly.
  • Third party connection - without cable, some smartwatches can connect to third party bluetooth device wirelessly, such as headphones or earphones.  You can play music without your phone.  This helps if you want to store your phone in your locker in a fitness center for safety.
  • Strap replacement - some smartwatches require proprietary straps (Samsung Gear S2, Sony Smartwatch 3, Apple Watch, etc) and some can use regular straps.  This is related to your style and choose the one works best.  Honestly I prefer regular straps so I can pick and choose whatever straps available in the market without depending on a certain brand of straps.
  • Telephony function - there are 2 types of telephony functions in smartwatch, using bluetooth as your handsfree to your phone and sim card injected smartwatch.  An alternate version of Samsung Gear S2 is an example of injected SIM Card smartwatch, enabling users to make calls without the need for smartphones.  Most of smartwatches don't have this features and some high-end watches have the handsfree features (like Dick Tracy watch phone).
  • Add ons - this is new and certainly will become something big later on.  Some smartwatches enable add on to enhance their already complex multifunctionality.  Some third party companies add solar charging straps, handsfree functional straps, removable memory storage, and even E-Ink stylish straps.
Consider all the options you have, it is now easier to choose which smartwatch is suitable for you, in fashion or technological sense.  Or is it making it more complicated?

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Tips and Tricks: Split Screen on Android Phone

Well, My Sony Xperia Z5 received Android 7.1.1 Nougat update several months ago.  A unique feature that I used but a lot of people still have not used in Android 7.1 is the split screen.  Samsung introduced this feature several years back with Samsung Galaxy Note and Galaxy S.  Android now includes this feature within the Android environment.  Soon, with Android 8, there will be PIP (Picture in Picture feature).

Split screen is useful for:
- making notes and referencing at the same time
- checking information
- work and play, combined
- Specific to Samsung Galaxy Note, you can scribble in split screen and click and drag a file or item across

To activate split screen is simple, just press and hold active apps list (soft button on the right that looks like a stack of 2 cards.  A split screen of your current active app and the previous app will appear (currently active on top, the predesor will on bottom screen.

The easiest use that I keep coming back to is checking IMDB when watching a TV Series as reference.  I don't need to go back and forth between 2 apps, so I still watch the tv series and checking IMDB at the same time.

You can do this for work related matters and more, like opening a link to website on the bottom from an email, etc.  Of course, I would recommend that you do this for bigger screen phones (5.5" or above).

Have fun, guys

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Finally, New Technology Breakthrough Are Introduced

It has been a while that I add article to this Blog. Almost 2 years to be exact. The reason being, there not much game changing technologies introduced in the market that actually excites me. The introduction of SmartWatch was big, but it was just a refinement of older technology development. There was no intense excitement in the gadget world, until this September 2016.

Two introduction of new products caught my attention: iPhone 7 family of smartphones and Lenovo Yoga Book. One is a major breakthrough, while the other is actually a minor one instead.

The introduction of iPhone 7 smartphone family without the analog 3.5 mm headphone jack took the world by storm and controversy. Technologists, reviewers, and news media took this development as a storm brewing and changing the world as we know it. In my humble opinion, it's just a minor development. If Apple didn't do it, someone will.

You might wonder why do I think that iPhone 7 without headphone jack is a minor development which is overblown in a gigantic proportion. Well, here are the reasons:

1. June 2016 introduction of Bluetooth 5.0 and its Implementation is coming at the latest early 2017.

Bluetooth wireless technology is the base backbone of current audio wireless technology. Up to version 4.2, Bluetooth is still has major limitation on how much data can be relayed, at max 2.1 Mbps (based on Bluetooth 4.0 specification) or 260 kbps on Bluetooth Low Energy. However,  Bluetooth 5.0 is promised to break the data transfer barrier to 4x the data amount, which means even 24 bit 96 kHz hifi audio quality can be transferred with ease. Do make a note that despite incredible higher speed of data transfer. Bluetooth requires additional data package to be transferred along with audio, hence at max 50% of the max limit will be used for audio data.

But Apple doesn't gamble their name, in fact they will make sure iPhone 7 current or next model is Bluetooth 5.0 compatible. With audio protocol apTX HD being introduced in July 2016, this guarantee iPhone 7 smartphone family is the safe bet of the top of the line smartphone in the market.

2. High End Personal Audio Equipments are now Affordable

Personal Audio industry has bloomed beyond what it was 4 decades ago. The development of portable DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) and micro amplifier have been going towards the micro-size that both will fit into the volume controller module or Earbuds or Earphones body. This technological development ensures those less then adequate audio data sound quality will be improved to significant higher level.

3. Bluetooth Headset Goes Smaller

If you browse through Kickstarter, Indiegogo, eBay or other gadget selling Web marketplace, you will find not 1 or 2, but a big selection of Bluetooth earphones at the size of our outer ear canal from various manufacturers, from cheap small China factories to major brands such as Motorola, Samsung, Sony, etc. These products are maturing right now and more higher quality Bluetooth earphones are being introduced weekly.  AirPods is not a new technology breakthrough, but only Apple's take on those tiny earphones.

In summary, Apple has been known to attract media news makers eyes to them. The introduction of iPhone 7 without headphone jack is not a real major breakthrough. It has been long overdue and it is nothing more but a minor step forward in technology world.

The second product introduction is the working and ready to market Lenovo Yoga Book. It is a Lenovo laptop with 2 10" screen facing each other. Yes, Nintendo has done it first, but only for gaming. Similar technology has also been introduced again and again by other manufacturers and innovators, but nothing like what Lenovo has introduced with Lenovo Yoga Book.

Remember the introduction of the first Samsung Galaxy Note, no one cared. I was so excited by the original Samsung Galaxy Note that I bought a unit at the launching event. The reason was it was the first time someone or some people implemented the use of stylus with the right functionalities. Now, regardless the Note 7 battery disaster, the world still recognizes Samsung Galaxy Note as one of the best smartphone series in the world.

Lenovo Yoga Book is, in my humble opinion, the combination of the right technologies the right way that will change the way we use our tablets, netbooks, or laptops. There are noticeable miscalculations by Lenovo apparent already, similar to Galaxy Note first introduction, but it will still change the way we use and perceived future handheld computers.

Yoga Book was introduce for multipurpose tablet/laptop. You can type using highlighted soft keyboard on the bottom screen which will be activated when we position both screen in laptop configuration (top screen straight up), Yoga Book is now a laptop. You can flip the bottom screen to the back to form a slightly heavier tablet. The upside down V shaped (or make a roof configuration) for watching movies for entertainment purposes.

The last configuration is what determines Yoga Tablet as the major breakthrough in laptop technology, the vertical book configuration. We can use stylus or pen on included pads and papers on the keyboard screen. Whatever we draw or write on the pads will be transferred to Yoga Book as notes, drawings, or editing purposes.  This feature is the key ingredient that will change the way we use tablets and laptops in the future.  Regardless on how advance the technology is, we have not yet abandoned pen and paper. Simply because pen and paper is still the best and most flexible way to take notes and make arts. By combining hardware and software development, Lenovo has produced the most natural way of using laptop/tablet into part of our daily life further.

For those reasons, Lenovo Yoga Book introduction is, in my humble opinion, the major breakthrough that will change the way we use computers in the future.

What do you think, guys? Feel free to comment

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Learning from Sony Walkman

Learning from Sony Walkman | Michael Anton Sim | LinkedIn

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Review:Sony NWZ-ZX1 Part 2

As promised, this time I matched up Sony NWZ-ZX1 with Sony MDR1RBT Mark II.

Before I proceed with the review, I like to state some opinions, humbly.

When I bought Sony NWZ-ZX1, there are some comments in the Internet regarding this unit. A lot of it revolve around the following list of disappointments:
- not enough Amplification power to support highest end, or big, headphones
- sound quality, hissing noise apparent in various high and low resolution recordings
- Android based system

In my humble opinion, Sony is following iPod steps. Sony is known being closed to Apple since Jobs days and Jobs' vision on music players is clearly apparent on the new Sony's Walkman line up:
- Sony designed their new Walkman to cope with the ever growing high end headphone listeners' demand of wanting to play FLAC, Wave, etc format recordings. However, like Steve Jobs designs, Sony follows the trend of the majority listeners who don't want to bring around heavy, power hungry, high-end headphone. Most listeners want good quality of music with light weight, portable, yet high quality headphones that has become the major trends. So they designed NWZ-ZX1 with enough power to match up with mid end heaphones which also works with iPod, but for those who wants to listen to highes end of headphones will most likely use external amplifiers anyhow, regardless what Sony has provided.
- Straight out of the box, NWZ-ZX1 has a hiss consistently. This is because of the sound settings are not yet set to listeners individual likings. It is similar to Vanilla Android, it's up to the listeners to customize the sound characteristics they like. Here is one feature that Sony should have for future updates: multi sound profile easy access or programmable sound profiling.
- Android is one of the most flexible and powerful Mobile OS available. If iOS have Apple iTunes, Sony wants to be the choice as the music players for quality conscious listeners. This is apparent with Sony releasing their Walkman and sound quality app to Google Play Store.
- In addition, with Android OS platform, Sony can upgrade and update their Walkman app as required and requested by the market. Making their app more appealing for most listeners.

Those are what I feel I need to say, so now we continue with the review.

Sound Setting

After using Sony MDR1RBT Mark II with Sony NWZ-ZX1 for almost 3 weeks now, I have saved an EQ setting that I like since this setting boost the treble and provide punchy, detailed but deep enough bass. I tried the preset Rock EQ, I don't really like it. I prefer this setting or ClearAudio+ on depending on the headphone I used.

Important Note

I have upgraded the firmware of NWZ-ZX1 to the latest Build No. 1.13.0009 which improve the Wave playing. I did noticed Wave recordings became more like the FLAC. Previously, more trebles are played. This might be also one of the reasons NWZ-ZX1 was complained by listeners to have hissing on certain recordings. But then again, it's my opinion.

Sony NWZ-ZX1 with Sony MDR1RBT Mark II - Wired

First, of course the wired matching of Sony MDR1RBT Mark II with NWZ-ZX1. As most of you have read feom Headfi and Internet reviews regarding Sony's MDR1 Mark II series, it is a flat but uniquely rich with Sony's sound signature. It is a detailed headphone but can present deep and punchy bass, smooth treble, and lushful, sweet voice.

When combined with NWZ-ZX1, I understand why Sony are pushing forward both products as a matching pairs in the their promotional materials. This combination is such a beautiful and enjoyable that I considered both are designed for each other.

Listening to Linkin Park's In Pieces, the intro became a lot more intimate. Blank sound on right ear while guitar acoustic plays in left ear. The speedy and playful drums and bass guitar represented well without slow down. And then, the impactful drum plays handsomely that made wants to dance a bit myself. Do note that I don't dance so just gives you a picture of how fun the combo is.

Then I switched to Louis Armstrong. I set the surround sound effect to Studio, but I hear this song as if I was sitting in front of stage. Louis' voice came from a bit above me, the strings orchestra on his left at a good distance. To his right side, a guitar and next the bass player and a drummer. Louis' voice arw so intimate that I feel like I'm watching the historic recording.
Note: When I turned on ClearAudio+, this song becomes different. Louis' vocal surround me as if coming from a set of 2 big speakers.

Next, I played John Mellencamp's Wild Night, the song that Monster Beats headphones and speakers always play it wrong. The intro's pounding drum beats, consistent cymbal taps and tambourine are perfectly sounding. John Mellencamp and Me'Shell Ndegeocello's vocals are playing in front and the band members are playing behind them.

Another difficult song for headphones to play correctly is Nightwish's Bye Bye Beautiful. The intro's first drum impact usually played with lost of power. Sansa Clip+ manages to play right, but my Sony Xperia Z Ultra failed. NWZ-ZX1 managed to play it correctly.
Note: When I turned on ClearAudio+, the song becomes very dark and thick with bass.

I was about to call it the night by listening to Rihanna's We Found Love and find this song plays like I am in my living room with 5.1 home theatre setup. However, when changed the audio setting to ClearAudio+, I was transported to Club hall with the bass shaking the ground. This is impressive, I find new amd unexpected excitements with NWZ-ZX1.

This matching definitely brings out the best in both. NWZ-ZX1 is clearly a far more superior player than my SanDisk Sansa Clip+ by several levels with its ability to play a bigger range of audio frequency with 'fun' as the main spirit.

Next: Sony NWZ-ZX1 with Sony MDR1RBT Mark II - Bluetooth

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Review: Sony NWZ-ZX1 Part 3

As promised, here us the continuing review on NWZ-ZX1 with the Bluetooth function with Sony MDR1RBT Mark II. I need to apologize since that's the only Bluetooth high end headphone that I have.

One signature that I found a bit disappointing is the hissing background noise that exist in all songs I played. Less hiss on 24bit recordings, more on lower quality stuffs, especially on MP3 at 192 kbs or lower. The hiss is not truly bothersome, just a low hiss. Some people might not even notice it. It just exists at the background. Some other reviewers mentioned that it is caused by the SMaster build-in amp. I don't know the real reason tho.

Anyhow, from all the same songs played from the previous part 2, one thing is also certain that this player turns MDR1RBT Mark II into a basshead headpiece with details and wide sound stage. The bass becomes so prominent across all songs that it tends to makes the songs more fun on dance genre and dark on rock genre, at the same time loss some of the sharpness.

The high frequency lost it's sharpness, the low lack depth and loss some impact, but vocal is still sweet and lushful. It does remind me of Monster Beats sound signature. Should Sony add a tad more impact, MDR1RBT Mark II will sound like the classic Audio Technica ATH-M50.

At least with all the lost frequencies, Sony's decisiona to use Bluetooth 3.0 is a smart decision indeed. One song that I always use to test Bluetooth headphones is Nightwish' Bye Bye Beautiful. Almost all Bluetooth headphones wavered when playing this song, losing their dynamic bass impact at the first beat of the drum; it's like the headphone lost power, which it is. Even MDR1RBT Mark II lost a tiny power to play it, however MDR1RBT Mark II keeps trying to maintain its power, thanks to the built-in amp in the headphone I believe. Smart move, Sony.

I do noticed that when playing dance beat songs, the music becomes more enjoyable and less analytical. Hence, details become less. The soundstage simulate club space, including the woofers. You definitely can feel the rumbling. Which means this piece is a killer wireless cans to watch movies.

Action movies come to live, transporting me to the cinema. I just hope Sony has the sense to produce Bluetooth feature into their Blu-ray players. However, due to the nature of HiRes Audio plauer NWZ-ZX1 is, playing movies on this unit is not a fun option. The audio player characteristic quality kicked in and never left, so movies audio become too flat to enjoy. I recommend Sony Xperia Z series or Samsung Galaxy 5" screen or above for superior movie watching enjoyment.
Note: Why I do not recommend other brands? Read my previous articles and you will find my bad experiences with other brands.

Rock music, however, suffers a bit. The bass is too loud, especially when the ClearAudio+ is on. It took me a while to finally programmed the equalizer to have suitable sound characteristics, but it is still lacking depth, compared to the wired sound.

One thing I noticed NWZ-ZX1 has offered is the option to prioritize quality over audio connection. This feature is helpful to eliminate network noises in frequency busy places. You can find the option in Settings, Bluetooth, Menu, Sound Enhancements dan Wireless Playback Quality.

Now, comparing NWZ-ZX1 and Astell&Kern AKs as Bluetooth music player, I must say AKs are superior, but with over 30% price difference, I would settle with NWZ-ZX1 because of other benefits that AKs don't provide.

So there, Sony NWZ-ZX1 in 3 parts (I want to write other match up, like UE700, etc, but I don't want to bore you guys. So let me know if you want me to continue on). This 30th anniversary Walkman is Sony's effort to bring back Walkman into the market. I consider this series successful. I see more amd more music listeners buy Walkman (ZX1, A15, F887, etc). It's a high quality DAP, although not for the big cans fanatics, but for daily commuters and students who want to listen for excellent music, this player and it's younger siblings are definitely the right choice, especially HiRes Audio DAP on the budget. Heck, even FIIO immediately retaliates with X1. High end DAP is definitely gone light-weight portable. More options are better for us, right?

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Review: Sony NWZ-ZX1 Part 1

Introduction - Why I Choose Sony NWZ-ZX1

Among all high end, or rather high resolution, Digital Audio Players, Sony has not been in consideration for years due to their stubborn policy of not playing several popular formats of high resolution audio recordings such as: FLAC, ALAC, AIFF, and more. This decision positioned Sony as the producer of retail mid end DAP that relies solely on MP3 based format. Even with research on developing MP3 format to a higher sounding format, not many fanatics of high resolution audio listeners were interested to use Sony's Walkman as their main DAP.

Until 2014, 35 years after Sony hatched the first product line of portable audio called Walkman, Sony decided to open the door and accepted their products to play nearly all formats of high end audio recording, the result: the 35th Anniversary Walkman called NWZ-ZX1.

I first got my interest on ZX1 after the Sony's announcement of the next portable high resolution audio player Walkman series A (NWZ-A15 and A17). Those 2 new units are sexy, well built and most likely to storm the market and win a lot casual listeners. I was about to shop for iBasso DX50 or AK100, which for those keen on high resolution audio immediately recognized as 2 of most preferred DAP in the market. And after reading tons of references in the Internet I found so many stories about how great both products are that I tested them both. They are exemplary excellent DAP in their own rights.

One notable feature that AK100 and ZX1 both have is Bluetooth; AK100 employs Bluetooth 3.0 (AK100 II uses Bluetooth 4.0) and ZX1 uses Bluetooth 3.0. So both are able to stream higher resolution sounds.

The Review


All are designed to last and abuse, although DX50 is sturdier in comparison, ZX1 has its own perk of being the lightest and tiniest volume-wise among the three.

However, when walking around listening to music, I found ZX1 is more comfortable in my hand especially for prolonged listening for its lighter weight and smartphone sized body. Even with the lower back protruding in an awkward way, it tends to assist my hand in avoiding slippage combined with the leather-like material to cover the aluminium frame.

The touch screen is well-sized, and the physical buttons are well placed and again well-thought-out to present easy access by soft touch recognition, with little dots and different sizes. I love using the physical buttons since they are easy to recognize even without looking at the unit. However, the hardened leather-like case lacking access to the buttons really sucks.

User Interface

I'll keep it short, it's an older Android OS. Easy to use and access. Not the richest in features but adequate for listeners. Later on I'll review the apps available for this unit.

The Sound Impression

I put a lot consideration on how to represent the sound impression I get. I prefer to approach it differently this time around since talking about high end DAP won't be fair if not paired with the headphone used. That means the combination will come to account, since I have (although cheaper variances) several unique sound headphones, I will try to provide combination impression. So here we go, I hope you enjoy my approach.

Sony NWZ-ZX1 with Sennheiser MX760

Both are known for the wide sound staging. So what happened if I paired them together?

First of all, Senn MX760 is definitely a treble rich earbud with deep bass and big sound stage. So I tested it without EQ, but the treble becomes a bit too much. Then I turned on the ClearSound+ feature which nullified all eq settings to Sony pre-programmed sound signature, both literally become a new favorite matching for serious detail-minded listening.

I played Louis Armstrong's What a Wonderful Day and if I close my eyes, I swear I can imagine Louis standing in front with violin players close to his left and drums and guitar further on his rear right side, bass player right side closer than the drums. The music and voice so clear that I have high appreciation on the 24 bit and 96 kHz recording. Even Louis signature lips play can be heard.

Then I played Linkin Park's In Pieces (from Minutes to Midnight album with 16/44 recording) and for a small earbud to represent ZX1 sound, it is unbelievably enjoyable experience. Big impact and deep bass, voice and instruments separation are clear and well-placed, smooth treble. The sound are loaded with details.

Those 2 songs I think has represented how well they both match up.

Note: Warning high impact bass means do not start the music with high volume, especially over 80%. It will be painful. I used 60% max volume which are plenty already.

On the downer side, some treble heavy songs and lower recording quality (128kbps MP3 or lower) becomes too sharp and too noisy to listen due to MX760 sensitivity of details, despite of Sony's DSEE HX feature turned on to smoothen the roughness.

Bonus Impression:
SanDisk Sansa Clip+ with Sennheiser MX760

Sansa Clip+ is a cheap but a high quality player, however it doesn't have the range ZX1 has. Two major differences that separates the two:

- Clip+ bass is tight and detailed but lacking the depth and clarity.
- Clip+ has a smaller sound staging, the right analogy would be comparing a 1x1x1 cubical meter (Clip+) to a Studio size room (ZX1)

Don't get me wrong, I love my Clip+ as a casual daily driver. I have been using it for a couple of years. It's tiny size and light weight just slip to my shirt pocket inconspicuously without becoming a burden. While ZX1 requires a belt wallet or case to be used without bothering my movement.

Each has their own purpose.

So there, my first part of Sony NWZ-ZX1 impression. Next I will pair it with Sony MDR1RBT Mark II, wired and Bluetooth connected. Each has it's own sound signature that a little different one to another, especially with some hidden Sony NWZ-ZX1 features turned on.